IASAP's Contribution to Secretarial Growth

Annual Activities

International Administrative Professionals Day/Week celebrations Every April, IASAP Tamil Nadu Chapter, organizes a Boss-Secretary lunch on Administrative Professionals Day. The last full working week in April is earmarked Administrative Professionals Week and mid-week, (i.e., Wednesday), is celebrated as Administrative Professionals Day.

Boss' Day celebrations

Internationally, October 16th is designated International Boss' Day. Since 16th October 1999, the Chapter celebrates this event as a token of appreciation and acknowledgement for the support and encouragement received from the Executives we work with through the years.


IASAP India conducts a Secretary of the Year Contest, every alternate year, with qualifying rounds conducted by Chapters at the regional level and the Grand Finale in Mumbai. The Tamil Nadu Chapter is proud to have 3 All India Winners and 3 All India First Runners-Up.

About the SOTYC


ASA, an Association of Secretaries in Asia Pacific, is an Association of 16 member countries from the Asia Pacific region, of which IASAP is a member. ASA conducts a Congress for Asian Secretaries, which is hosted by a different member country every alternate year. IASAP India had the privilege of hosting the Sixth Congress of Asian Secretaries at Bombay in 1984, with Mrs Homai H Mehta as ASA President with the theme "The Personal Secretary - Vocation to Profession" and the 17th Congress in Mumbai in 2006 with Mrs Shera Y Langrana as ASA President with the theme, "Mission Excellence". At this Congress the contest for the Asian Professional Secretary Award is conducted where the winner of the All India SOTYC represents India to contest the same.


As a sequel to the ASA Congress, IASAP conducts an All India Convention of Secretaries once every two years. This Convention is hosted by each of its Chapters in rotation. The Chapter, led by the respective Chairperson has been represented at all 10 National Conventions. The Tamil Nadu Chapter has hosted the National Convention twice:

  • Chairperson Carmen Shunker and her team hosted the 3rd National Convention at Hotel Chola Sheraton from 3rd - 5th October 1992. The theme was : "The Past with a Future".
  • Chairperson Karena Toner and her team hosted the 10th National Convention as a residential conference at GRT Temple Bay and Fortune Chariot Beach Resort, in Mahabalipuram from April 28 - May 1, 2007. The theme : "Vision Knows No Boundaries".

10th National Convention photos | National Conventions


On an All India level, Blue Dart conducts the 'Best Administrative Practice Award' for practices on the work front to better manage Time, Database, Information, Document, Relationship and Bosses. Ms B K Seethalakshmi of EID Parry Limited was presented the Best Secretary Award by Blue Dart in 2003, in recognition her contribution to Cost Effective Office Development. Seetha was the very first recipient of this award.

Monthly Activities

Monthly Meetings

The IASAP, Tamil Nadu Chapter meets once a month, on a Saturday, at one of the elite hotels in Chennai, at which eminent speakers give informative/educative talks or workshops are organized to help members in their day to day life, be it work or family, on topics like Computers, Stress, Time Management, Personality Development, Communication, Tax, etc. These meetings are an excellent opportunity for the Secretarial fraternity to meet and exchange information, update their knowledge and keep abreast with the latest technology. Besides the official programme, at every meeting, a lucky Secretary is chosen and most often the lucky one is given a gift by the hosts/sponsors of the meeting. Birthdays are called out and members are wished through song.

Events | Meetings

'On-line' - Monthly Newsletter

The Tamil Nadu Chapter brings out a monthly Newsletter titled 'On-line', sharing news and information about members and its activities, not only with members in the city, but all around the globe. It has made interaction with our non-resident 'Life' members possible.

On-line | Current issue